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Tennessee Homesick Blues  flac: 16bit/44.1kHz 03:35
Too Much Water -- Randy Parton  flac: 16bit/44.1kHz 02:41
The Day My Baby Died -- Rusty Buchanan  flac: 16bit/44.1kHz 02:55
One Emotion After Another  flac: 16bit/44.1kHz 03:36
Goin' Back to Heaven -- Stella PartonKin Vassy  flac: 16bit/44.1kHz 04:15
What a Heartache  flac: 16bit/44.1kHz 04:42
Stay out of My Bedroom -- Dolly PartonSylvester Stallone  flac: 16bit/44.1kHz 03:40
Woke up in Love -- Dolly PartonSylvester Stallone  flac: 16bit/44.1kHz 03:23
God Won't Get You  flac: 16bit/44.1kHz 04:14
Drinkin' Stein -- Sylvester Stallone  flac: 16bit/44.1kHz 03:55
Sweet Lovin' Friends -- Dolly PartonSylvester Stallone  flac: 16bit/44.1kHz 03:29
Waltz Me to Heaven -- Floyd Parton  flac: 16bit/44.1kHz 03:21
Butterflies  flac: 16bit/44.1kHz 03:20
Be There -- Dolly PartonSylvester Stallone  flac: 16bit/44.1kHz 03:12
Listen the trial version of tracks by clicking the circle Total: 50:18

Due to label constraints, you cannot choose the audio format. The total number of downloads available is 10. Please be aware of this before making your purchase.


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【連載コラム】ラヴェンダーズAKIRA のWANNA GO HOME―第30回

【連載コラム】ラヴェンダーズAKIRA のWANNA GO HOME―第30回

みなさんこんにちは、AKIRAです! 今週も「ラヴェンダーズAKIRAのWANNA GO HOME」へようこそ! お正月モードも終わり、皆さんガシガシ働いてますか?インフルエンザにかかったりしてないかしら?それでは早速今週のテーマへ! ★今週のお題『スポ